Today's Inspector ASF Batch 3

1. COVID 19 caused by - SARS-cOv-2

2. Introvert synonym Reticent

3. Reprimand synonym Reprove

4. Aggravate antonym

4. Hasty antonym

5. Spill the beans idiom

6. The White elephant idiom

7. The rolling stone gathers (no) mos 8. The sun rises (in) east.

9. Last American soldier Chris Conheus completing withdrawal from Afghanistan (30 August 2021)

10. NATO members as of march 2024 -32 11.Zindagi zindan dilli ka nam book by Zafarullah Poshni

12. Namaz mentioned in Quran how many times -700

13. Sanam ul Quran - Surah Bagrah

14. Bande Ali - Brother of Jinnah

15. 5th space agency spaceship landing on moon - JAXA

16. Age of Hz. Nooh (950 years)

17. Islam k Buniyadi Arqan (How many) 5 18. Masjid ul Haram in?Makkah

19. Who suggested digging of trench in battle of trench. Hz. Salman Farsi

20. Extra-ordinary OlC- Arab league summit 2023 on? 11 Nov 2023

21. First prime number (2) 

22. Quaid visited first country after becoming governor general? 

23. India wins freedom book author?

24. Cpec starting date?

25. Which chinese president worked in Pakistan in his early years?

26. Longest ruling president of Malaysia - Mahatir Muhammad

27. IB submit its report to?

28. No of wives of hazrat Ibrahim as? (2)

Synonyms of introvert 

Spill the beans 

White elephant 

Shut the door 

Doha accord deal =29 Feb 2020

Putin took oath on 7th May ,2024

NATO members =32

Who hepatitis most = Pakistan 

Saudi Arabia took 105 Airbus 

Neoam city = Tabuk 

Trump is the 45th president.

Oic and Arab league meeting = Dec 2023 

Japan landed on moon =January 2024

India wins freedom by Abul Kalam 

Bade Ali was the brother of jinaah 

3335 km border with India 

American left Afghanistan 30th August 2021 completely 

Sars COVID 19 name 

Hazrat Ibrahim had 2 wives 

Sanam ul Qur'an surrah baqrah 

Namaz zikar 800 times 

Torah o Hazrat Issa as 

Europe made a deal with Egypt 

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