Past Papers Mcqs

 Which items are placed at the end of a document

A. Footer

B. Foot note

C. End note✅

D. Headet

All caps to selected text in MS Word is applied with?

A. Alt+shift+A

B. shift+A

C. Ctrl+shift+A✅

D. None of these

Which option use to open recent file?

A. Ctrl+R

B. Ctrl+F

C. Ctrl+O✅

D. Ctrl+N

To go to a specific location in a document we use :

A. Macro


C. Bookmark✅

D. None of the above

Shortcut key 1.5 line spacing ?

A. Ctrl+ 3

B. Ctrl+ 4

C. Ctrl+ 5✅

D. Ctrl+6

When MS word was launched _________?

A. 1983✅

B. 1980

C. 1979

D. None of these

What is the shortcut key of Mark Citation in MS Word?

A. Alt + Shift + I✅

B. Alt + Shift + P

C. Alt + Shift + B

D. Alt + Shift + Q

Who was the first killer of the world?

A. Habeel

B. Qabeel ✅

C. Abu Jahil

D. None of these

In which Surah the word Al-Quran-ul-Hakeem is used.

A. Al e Imran

B. Al Yaseen ✅

C. Al Nisa

D. Al Maeda

Which Muslim scientist wrote first book on Algebra ?

A. Al-Khwarizmi ✅

B. Ibn Sina

C. Archimedes

D. Euclid

The word Talaq means is _________?

A. Freedom of bond✅

B. To leave somebody

C. To attach someone

D. Non of these

Salat e Jumma became Faraz in which city?

A. Makkah

B. Madina✅

C. Abwa

D. Hijaz

Who was the 2nd wife of Holy Prophet S.A.W?

A. Hazrat Ayesha R.A

B. Hazrat Khadija R.A

C. Hazrat Soada R.A✅

D. None of these

Distance between Makkah and Madina is __________?

A. 300 miles✅

B. 400 miles

C. 450 miles

D. 250 miles

How many Khutba are recited during Hajj?

A. Only One✅

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

When did Hazrat Aisha (R.A.) died___________?

On 18th Ramadan, 58 A.H.

On 17th Ramadan, 58 A.H.✅

On 17th Ramadan, 57 A.H.

On 18th Ramadan, 57 A.H.

Hazrat Idrees (AS) was expert in ___________?

A. Geology

B. Philosophy

C. Astronomy✅

D. Chemistry

Tribe of Hazrat Haleema Sadia (R.A) was__________?

A. Banu Saad✅

B. Banu Hashim

C. Banu Khizraj

D. None of these

To which tribe did Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed (R.A) belong?

A. Banu Ummayya

B. Banu Asad

C. Banu Zuhra

D. Banu Makhzoom✅

The G-20 Summit 2017 was hosted by____________?

A. France

B. China

C. Germany✅


Which vitamin is available to the human body through sun bathing?

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin D✅

C. Vitamin K

D. Vitamin B12

A group of elephants is called___________?


B. Herd✅



Which of the following is affected by rickets in the human body?

A. Bones✅

B. Tissues

C. Muscles

D. Blood

_______ is called “Pearl of Antilles”?

A. Cuba✅

B. Iraq

C. Qatar

D. None

How many times Pakistan won the ” Blind Cricket World Cup”?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2✅

D. 3

How many points are in bedminton game?

A. 11 points

B. 21 points✅

C. 31 points

D. 41 points

Nagorno Karabakh region is recognized as part of___________?

A. Georgia

B. Turkey

C. Iran

D. Azerbaijan✅

When was Lahore High Court established?

A. 1913

B. 1916

C. 1919✅

D. 1925

River Mackenzie is located in__________?

A. Russia

B. Usa


D. Canada✅

“TT” is the news agancy of__________?

A. Romaina

B. Russia

C. Canada

D. Sweden✅

The Port of Naples is the seaport of____________?

A. Italy✅

B. Russia

C. France

D. Germany

Who was the last Viceroy of India?

A. Lord Mount Batten✅

B. Lord william

C. Charles metcalfe

D. Lord hardings

Chemically finger nails are made up of ____________?

A. Carbohydrate

B. Fats

C. protein✅

D. Starch

Something that is liable to be easily broken is known as ________?

A. Brittle✅

B. Resilient

C. Flexible

D. None of the above

“COTTON” is grown on ___________?

A. Black soil✅

B. Red Soil

C. Regur Soil

D. Alluvial Sea

How many times does the name of Muhammad (SAW) come in the Quran?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4✅

Which is the world’s longest sea bridge?

A. Zhuhai Macau Bridge✅

B. Golden Gate Bridge

C. San Francisco Bridge

D. George Washington Bridge

The world’s longest sea bridge Zhuhai Macau linking ___________?

A. Hong Kong and China✅

B. Japan and Russia

C. Russia and China

D. China and Russia

Nadia Murad is a winner of Noble peace prize 2018.She is a human rights activist and belongs to _______?

A. Iraq✅

B. Iran

C. Yemen

D. Syria

+93 is International code for which country?

A. India

B. Iran

C. Afghanistan✅

D. Bangladesh

PM Imran Khan has inaugurated shelter home for homeless people in __________ on 14th Dec 2018?

A. Hyderabad

B. Peshawar✅

C. Quetta

D. Rawalpindi

QMobile was launched in ____________?

A. 2012

B. 2011

C. 2009✅

D. 2010

what is the name of Bill Gates wife?

A. Melinda✅

B. sarena

C. levana

D. alzabeth

Headquarter of Q-Mobile is in _____________?

A. Beijing

B. Karachi✅

C. Shanghai

D. Lahore

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