Competitive Exams Vocabulary Questions


1. Abide: قائم رہنا، برداشت کرنا
2. Abound: بہتا ہوا، بھرپور ہونا
3. Abrasive: رساوٹی، کھردرا
4. Abscond: فرار ہونا، گھٹنا
5. Absolve: بری کرنا، بخشنا
6. Abstain: پرہیز کرنا، اجتناب کرنا
7. Abstract: تصوراتی، انتقالی
8. Abstruse: پیچیدہ، مشکل
9. Abut: متصل ہونا، ساتھ ہونا
10. Accolade: تمغہ، ستارہ
11. Accord: معاہدہ، اتفاق
12. Accost: بات چیت کرنا، متعارف کرنا
13. Acme: عروج، اوج
14. Acrimonious: تلخ، کھچا
15. Adage: کہاوت، مقولہ
16. Adamant: ثابت قدم، سنگدل
17. Admonish: سرزنش کرنا، ڈانٹنا
18. Adorn: زینت کرنا، سنوارنا
19. Adroit: ماہر، ہنرمند
20. Adulation: خوشامد کرنا، تعریف

Synonyms - Antonyms:

1. Abide
   - Synonyms: endure, tolerate, persist
   - Antonyms: abandon, depart, leave

2. Abound
   - Synonyms: flourish, thrive, overflow
   - Antonyms: lack, scarce, deplete

3. Abrasive
   - Synonyms: rough, harsh, grating
   - Antonyms: smooth, gentle, soft

4. Abscond
   - Synonyms: flee, escape, bolt
   - Antonyms: stay, remain, abide

5. Absolve
   - Synonyms: exonerate, pardon, forgive
   - Antonyms: blame, condemn, convict

6. Abstain
   - Synonyms: refrain, withhold, avoid
   - Antonyms: indulge, participate, engage

7. Abstract
   - Synonyms: conceptual, theoretical, nonrepresentational
   - Antonyms: concrete, tangible, specific

8. Abstruse
   - Synonyms: obscure, complex, cryptic
   - Antonyms: clear, simple, understandable

9. Abut
   - Synonyms: border, adjoin, touch
   - Antonyms: distant, separate, detach

10. Accolade
    - Synonyms: honor, praise, acclaim
    - Antonyms: criticism, disapproval, condemnation

11. Accord
    - Synonyms: agreement, harmony, concord
    - Antonyms: disagreement, conflict, discord

12. Accost
    - Synonyms: confront, approach, address
    - Antonyms: avoid, shun, ignore

13. Acme
    - Synonyms: peak, summit, pinnacle
    - Antonyms: nadir, bottom, base

14. Acrimonious
    - Synonyms: bitter, caustic, acerbic
    - Antonyms: pleasant, amicable, cordial

15. Adage
    - Synonyms: proverb, aphorism, maxim
    - Antonyms: nonsense, gibberish, drivel

16. Adamant
    - Synonyms: inflexible, resolute, determined
    - Antonyms: flexible, yielding, pliable

17. Admonish
    - Synonyms: reprimand, warn, scold
    - Antonyms: praise, commend, approve

18. Adorn
    - Synonyms: decorate, embellish, beautify
    - Antonyms: deface, mar, disfigure

19. Adroit
    - Synonyms: skillful, adept, proficient
    - Antonyms: clumsy, inept, awkward

20. Adulation
    - Synonyms: flattery, praise, admiration
    - Antonyms: criticism, censure, disapproval


1. She promised to abide by the rules of the organization.
2. The garden abounds with colorful flowers in the spring.
3. The abrasive surface of the sandpaper smoothed out the rough edges.
4. The suspect tried to abscond from the police custody but was apprehended.
5. The judge absolved the defendant of all charges due to lack of evidence.
6. He decided to abstain from eating sweets to maintain a healthy diet.
7. The artist's painting was an abstract representation of his emotions.
8. The professor's lectures were often abstruse, leaving the students confused.
9. Their properties abut each other, forming a continuous boundary.
10. Winning the Nobel Prize was the highest accolade of her career.
11. After much negotiation, they reached an accord on the terms of the contract.
12. As she walked down the street, she was accosted by a stranger asking for directions.
13. Climbing Mount Everest is considered the acme of mountaineering achievements.
14. Despite their differences, they managed to have an acrimonious but productive discussion.
15. "A penny saved is a penny earned" is a well-known adage about frugality.
16. She remained adamant about her decision, refusing to change her mind.
17. The teacher admonished the students for talking during the lecture.
18. The bride adorned herself with beautiful jewelry on her wedding day.
19. His adroit handling of the situation saved the company from a financial crisis.
20. The actor received adulation from his fans for his brilliant performance in the play.

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