Phrasal Verbs

  • Opt for = choose 
  • Pass back = return 
  • Patch up = fix/ make things better 
  • Plump for = choose 
  • Polish off = finish / consume 
  • Decide upon = choose / select 
  • Die down = decrease 
  • Get along = leave 
  • Hook up = meet ( someone) 
  • Jack up= increase sharply 
  • Kick about = discuss 
  • Talk about = discuss 
  • Kick out = expel 
  • Lay on = organise/ supply 
  • Link up = connect /join 
  • Make after = chase
  • Make away with = steal 
  • Big up = exaggerate the importance
  • Blow up = explode 
  • Book in = check in at a hotel 
  • Call up= telephone 
  • Cap off = finish / complete 
  • Care for = like
  • Carry off = win/succeed 
  • Carry on = continue 
  • Add on = include
  • Ask over = invite 
  • Back away = retreat / go backwards 
  • Back off = retreat 
  • Bag out = criticize
  • Bull up = confuse / complicate
  • Bear on = influence / affect 
  • Give up = quit / stop trying 
  • Keep on = continue 
  • Put off = postpone 
  • Turn up = appear suddenly 
  • Take after = resemble 
  • Bring up = raise (children) 
  • Fill out = complete a form 
  • Drop out of = leave school 
  • Do over = repeat a job / task 
  • Fill up = fill to capacity 
  • Look over = examine / check 
  • Put away = save / store 
  • Put out = extinguish
  • Set up = arrange/ begin 
  • Throw away = discard 
  • Cut down on= curtail ( expenses) 
  • Try out = test
  • Turn off = repulse 

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