Best Question Ever Asked in Exams

 MCQs for GK 

  • FAO stands for Food and Agriculture Organisation
  • FAO is located at Rome and London 
  • UNIDO stands for United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
  • UNIDO is located at Vienna
  • WMO stands for World Meteorological Organisation
  • WhO is located at Geneva
  • International Civil Aviation Organisation is located at Montreal
  • The Angel Falls is located in Venezuela
  • The Victoria Falls is located in Rhodesia
  • Ice Cream was discovered by Gerald Tis_yum
  • The number regarded as lucky number in Italy is Thirteen
  • Napoleon suffered from ailurophobia which means Fear of cats
  • The aeroplanes was used in war for the first time by Italians(14 Oct.1911)
  • Slavery in America was abolished by Abraham Lincoln
  • The Headquarters of textile manufacturing in England is Manchester 
  • The famous Island located at the mouth of the Hudson river is Manhattan
  • The founder of plastic industry was Leo Hendrik Bakeland
  • The country where military service is compulsory for women is Israel
  • The country which has more than 10,000 golf courses is USA
  • The famous painting `Mona Lisa'is displayed at Louvre museum,Paris
  • The earlier name for tomato was Love apple
  • The first President of USA was George Washington
  • The famous words `Veni Vidi Vici'were said by Julius Caesar
  • The practice of sterilization of surgical instruments was introduced by Joseph Lister
  • The number of countries which participated in the first Olympic Games held at Athens was Nine
  • Mercury is also known as Quick Silver
  • Disneyland is located in California,USA
  • The country which built the first powerful long range rockets is Germany 
  • Sewing Machine was invented by Isaac M.Singer.
  • Adding Machine was invented by Aldrin

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