1. ❇️ `Red Cross` : 1863 ✔️❤️
```International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)```
2. ❇️ `FIFA` : 1904 ⚽️
```Fédération Internationale de Football Association```
3. ❇️ `ILO` : 1919 👷♂️
```International Labour Organization```
4. ❇️ `World Bank` : 1944 🌍💰
```World Bank Group```
5. ❇️ `IMF` : 1944 💵
```International Monetary Fund```
6. ❇️ `UNO` : 1945 (24 October, 1945) 🕊️🌐
```United Nations Organization```
7. ❇️ `FAO` : 1945 🍎🌾
```Food and Agriculture Organization```
8. ❇️ `Arab League` : 1945 🕌
```League of Arab States```
9. ❇️ `UNESCO` : 1945 📚🎨
```United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization```
10. ❇️ `WHO` : 1948 🏥🌍
```World Health Organization```
11. ❇️ `NATO` : 1949 🛡️
```North Atlantic Treaty Organization```
12. ❇️ `SEATO` : 1954 (dissolved 1977) ✈️
```Southeast Asia Treaty Organization```
13. ❇️ `CENTO` : 1955 (dissolved 1979) 🏛️
```Central Treaty Organization```
14. ❇️ `IAEA` : 1957 ⚛️
```International Atomic Energy Agency```
15. ❇️ `OPEC` : 1960 ⛽️
```Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries```
16. ❇️ `ADB` : 1966 🌏💸
```Asian Development Bank```
17. ❇️ `ASEAN` : 1967 🤝🌏
```Association of Southeast Asian Nations```
18. ❇️ `OIC` : 1969 🕌🌐
```Organization of Islamic Cooperation```
19. ❇️ `SAARC` : 1985 🇸🇦🇵🇰🇮🇳
```South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation```
20. ❇️ `ECO` : 1985 🌿
```Economic Cooperation Organization```
21. ❇️ `EU` : 1993 🇪🇺
```European Union```
22. ❇️ `SCO` : 1996 (reestablished 2001) 🏔️
```Shanghai Cooperation Organization```
23. ❇️ `BRICS` : 2006 🤝🌍
```Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa```
24. ❇️ `INTERPOL` : 1923 🚨🌐
```International Criminal Police Organization```
25. ❇️ `WTO` : 1995 🌐💼
```World Trade Organization```
26. ❇️ `ICC` (Criminal Court) : 2002 ⚖️
```International Criminal Court```
27. ❇️ `G20` : 1999 💹🌐
```Group of Twenty```
28. ❇️ `G7` : 1975 💡🌍
```Group of Seven```
29. ❇️ `G8` : 1997 💼🌍
```Group of Eight```
30. ❇️ `OAS` : 1948 🌎
```Organization of American States```
31. ❇️ `Council of Europe` : 1949 🇪🇺
```Council of Europe```
32. ❇️ `ICJ` : 1945 ⚖️
```International Court of Justice```
33. ❇️ `OECD` : 1961 📊💼
```Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development```
34. ❇️ `ECSC` : 1951 ⚒️
```European Coal and Steel Community```
35. ❇️ `EEC` : 1957 💶
```European Economic Community```
36. ❇️ `NAFTA` : 1994 🇺🇸🇲🇽🇨🇦
```North American Free Trade Agreement```
37. ❇️ `Mercosur` : 1991 🇦🇷🇧🇷
```Southern Common Market (Mercado Común del Sur)```
38. ❇️ `CARICOM` : 1973 🌴
```Caribbean Community and Common Market```
39. ❇️ `AU` : 2002 🌍
```African Union```
40. ❇️ `OAU` : 1963 🕊️
```Organization of African Unity```
41. ❇️ `ASEM` : 1996 🤝🌏
```Asia-Europe Meeting```
42. ❇️ `PIF` : 1971 🌊🌴
```Pacific Islands Forum```
43. ❇️ `CIS` : 1991 🌍
```Commonwealth of Independent States```
44. ❇️ `WFP` : 1961 🍚
```World Food Programme```
45. ❇️ `UNICEF` : 1946 👶🌐
```United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund```
46. ❇️ `UNDP` : 1965 📈🌍
```United Nations Development Programme```
47. ❇️ `UNHCR` : 1950 🏠🌐
```United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees```
48. ❇️ `IFAD` : 1977 🌾
```International Fund for Agricultural Development```
49. ❇️ `IFRC` : 1919 ❤️🌐
```International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies```
50. ❇️ `WIPO` : 1967 💡📜
```World Intellectual Property Organization```
51. ❇️ `ITU` : 1865 📡
```International Telecommunication Union```
52. ❇️ `WMO` : 1950 🌦️
```World Meteorological Organization```
53. ❇️ `WMA` : 1947 👩⚕️
```World Medical Association```
54. ❇️ `IEA` : 1974 ⚡️
```International Energy Agency```
55. ❇️ `IOM` : 1951 🚶♂️🌍
```International Organization for Migration```
56. ❇️ `IFC` : 1956 🏦💼
```International Finance Corporation```
57. ❇️ `ECB` : 1998 💶🏦
```European Central Bank```
58. ❇️ `ICC` (Chamber of Commerce) : 1919 🤝
```International Chamber of Commerce```
59. ❇️ `IUCN` : 1948 🌿🐾
```International Union for Conservation of Nature```
60. ❇️ `WADA` : 1999 🚫💊
```World Anti-Doping Agency```
61. ❇️ `IOC` : 1894 🏅
```International Olympic Committee```
62. ❇️ `Commonwealth of Nations` : 1949 🤝🌍
```Commonwealth of Nations```
63. ❇️ `UNWTO` : 1975 🏝️
```United Nations World Tourism Organization```
64. ❇️ `ICAO` : 1944 ✈️
```International Civil Aviation Organization```
65. ❇️ `IMO` : 1948 ⚓️
```International Maritime Organization```
66. ❇️ `ISA` : 1994 🌊
```International Solar Alliance```
67. ❇️ `Global Fund` : 2002 💊
```The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria```
68. ❇️ `APEC` : 1989 💹🌏
```Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation```
69. ❇️ `EurAsEC` : 2000 🌍
```Eurasian Economic Community```
70. ❇️ `G77` : 1964 🌍
```Group of 77```
71. ❇️ `WCO` : 1952 🚢
```World Customs Organization```
72. ❇️ `IATA` : 1945 ✈️
```International Air Transport Association```
73. ❇️ `IRENA` : 2009 ♻️
```International Renewable Energy Agency```
74. ❇️ `IFAC` : 1977 📊💼
```International Federation of Accountants```
75. ❇️ `IEF` : 1991 🔌
```International Energy Forum```
76. ❇️ `OPCW` : 1997 ☢️❌
```Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons```
77. ❇️ `IOSCO` : 1983 📈
```International Organization of Securities Commissions```
78. ❇️ `ICSID` : 1966 ⚖️💰
```International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes```
79. ❇️ `ISO` : 1947 📏
```International Organization for Standardization```
80. ❇️ `IEC` : 1906 ⚡️
```International Electrotechnical Commission```
81. ❇️ `BIPM` : 1875 ⚖️
```International Bureau of Weights and Measures (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures)```
82. ❇️ `UPU` : 1874 ✉️
```Universal Postal Union```
83. ❇️ `ICO` : 1963 ☕️
```International Coffee Organization```
84. ❇️ `CISAC` : 1926 🎵
```International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers```
85. ❇️ `IHP` : 1975 💧
```International Hydrological Programme```
86. ❇️ `ICSU` : 1931 🔬
```International Council for Science```
87. ❇️ `IUGG` : 1919 🌐
```International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics```
88. ❇️ `WFE` : 1961 📊
```World Federation of Exchanges```
89. ❇️ `IPC` : 1989 ♿
```International Paralympic Committee```
90. ❇️ `ISHS` : 1864 🌸
```International Society for Horticultural Science```
91. ❇️ `IRF` : 1948 🚧
```International Road Federation```
92. ❇️ `IAAF` : 1912 🏃♂️
```International Association of Athletics Federations```
93. ❇️ `FINA` : 1908 🏊♀️
```Fédération Internationale de Natation```
94. ❇️ `ICC` (Cricket) : 1909 🏏
```International Cricket Council```
95. ❇️ `IRB` : 1886 🏉
```International Rugby Board```
96. ❇️ `FIBA` : 1932 🏀
```International Basketball Federation```
97. ❇️ `ITF` : 1913 🎾
```International Tennis Federation```
98. ❇️ `UEFA` : 1954 ⚽️
```Union of European Football Associations```
99. ❇️ `CAF` : 1957 ⚽️
```Confederation of African Football```
100. ❇️ `AFC` : 1954 ⚽️
```Asian Football Confederation```
101. ❇️ `OFC` : 1966 ⚽️
```Oceania Football Confederation```
102. ❇️ `NFL` : 1920 🏈
```National Football League```
103. ❇️ `MLB` : 1903 ⚾️
```Major League Baseball```
104. ❇️ `NBA` : 1946 🏀
```National Basketball Association```
105. ❇️ `NHL` : 1917 🏒
```National Hockey League```
106. ❇️ `IFFHS` : 1988 📊⚽️
```International Federation of Football History & Statistics```
107. ❇️ `World Rugby` : 1886 🏉
```World Rugby```
108. ❇️ `AIBA` : 1946 🥊
```International Boxing Association```
109. ❇️ `ABU` : 1964 📺
```Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union```
110. ❇️ `WAN-IFRA` : 1948 📰
```World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers```
111. ❇️ `IFJ` : 1926 🗞️
```International Federation of Journalists```
112. ❇️ `ITTF` : 1926 🏓
```International Table Tennis Federation```
113. ❇️ `FIVB` : 1947 🏐
```Fédération Internationale de Volleyball```
114. ❇️ `IFSC` : 2007 🧗♂️
```International Federation of Sport Climbing```
115. ❇️ `Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)` : 1956 ⚛️🇵🇰
```Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission```
116. ❇️ `State Bank of Pakistan (SBP)` : 1948 💰🇵🇰
```State Bank of Pakistan```
117. ❇️ `Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB)` : 1948 🏏🇵🇰
```Pakistan Cricket Board```
118. ❇️ `Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)` : 1946 ✈️🇵🇰
```Pakistan International Airlines```
119. ❇️ `Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL)` : 1947 📞🇵🇰
```Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited```
120. ❇️ `Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL)` : 1961 ⛽️🇵🇰
```Oil and Gas Development Company Limited```
121. ❇️ `Pakistan Steel Mills` : 1973 🏭🇵🇰
```Pakistan Steel Mills```
122. ❇️ `Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV)` : 1964 📺🇵🇰
```Pakistan Television Corporation```
123. ❇️ `National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)` : 1949 💳🇵🇰
```National Bank of Pakistan```
124. ❇️ `Habib Bank Limited (HBL)` : 1941 🏦🇵🇰
```Habib Bank Limited```
125. ❇️ `Fauji Foundation` : 1954 🎖️🇵🇰
```Fauji Foundation```
126. ❇️ `Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC)` : 1962 🩺🇵🇰
```Pakistan Medical & Dental Council```
127. ❇️ `Higher Education Commission (HEC)` : 2002 🎓🇵🇰
```Higher Education Commission of Pakistan```
128. ❇️ `Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)` : 1976 🏗️🇵🇰
```Pakistan Engineering Council```
129. ❇️ `Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL)` : 1955 ⛽️🇵🇰
```Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited```
130. ❇️ `Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR)` : 1961 🔬🇵🇰
```Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research```
131. ❇️ `Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS)` : 1947 📊🇵🇰
```Pakistan Bureau of Statistics```
132. ❇️ `Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP)` : 1997 📈🇵🇰
```Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan```
133. ❇️ `Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE)` : 1957 📈🇵🇰
```Pakistan Institute of Development Economics```
134. ❇️ `Pakistan Council of Islamic Ideology (PCII)` : 1962 🕌🇵🇰
```Pakistan Council of Islamic Ideology```
135. ❇️ `Pakistan Red Crescent Society` : 1947 ❤️🇵🇰
```Pakistan Red Crescent Society```
136. ❇️ `Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC)` : 1962 🔬🇵🇰
```Pakistan Medical Research Council```
137. ❇️ `Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC)` : 1970 🏞️🇵🇰
```Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation```
138. ❇️ `Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB)` : 1995 💻🇵🇰
```Pakistan Software Export Board```
139. ❇️ `Board of Investment (BOI)` : 1992 💼🇵🇰
```Board of Investment, Pakistan```
140. ❇️ `Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement (PSLM)` : 1992 📊🇵🇰
```Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement```
141. ❇️ `Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD)` : 1947 🌦️🇵🇰
```Pakistan Meteorological Department```
142. ❇️ `Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC)` : 1971 🚢🇵🇰
```Pakistan National Shipping Corporation```
143. ❇️ `Pakistan Railways` : 1947 🚆🇵🇰
```Pakistan Railways```
144. ❇️ `National Accountability Bureau (NAB)` : 1999 ⚖️🇵🇰
```National Accountability Bureau```
145. ❇️ `Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA)` : 1997 🌿🇵🇰
```Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency```
146. ❇️ `Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC)` : 1969 🌾🇵🇰
```Pakistan Agricultural Research Council```
147. ❇️ `Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST)` : 2002 🔬🇵🇰
```Pakistan Council for Science and Technology```
148. ❇️ `PNRA` : 2001 ⚛️🇵🇰
```Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority```
149. ❇️ `PIEAS` : 1967 🎓🇵🇰
```Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences```
150. ❇️ `PBC` : 1999 💼🇵🇰
```Pakistan Business Council```