• The largest continent in the world-----> Asia
• Continent Asia is also known as-----> continent of contrast
• There are countries in Asia-----> 48
• The largest country by area in Asia -----> Russia
• The most populous country in Asia-----> India
• The largest desert in Asia-----> Gobi
• Gobi desert is located in two countries -----> Mongolia and China
• The longest mountains range in Asia -----> Himalayas
• The longest river in Asia-----> Yangtze
• The most populous city in Asia----> India
• The smallest state in Asia ----> Maldives
• Sea that separates Asia from Africa-----> Red Sea
• Mountain range separates Asia and Europe -----> Ural Mountains
• The highest Mountain in the world -----> Mount Everest
• The buffer zone of Asia-----> Afghanistan
• The largest island in Asia -----> Borneo
• The country connects Asia and Europe------> Turkey
• The largest country in the Muslim world by population-----> Indonesia
• the Asian country having the most numbers of neighbours-----> China
• The country with the longest coastline in Asia-----> Russia
• The country has the highest mountains -----> Nepal
• The tallest building in Asia----> Burj e Khalifa