Most Important questions for All Competitive Exams

1. Q: What is the boiling point of water?

A: 100°C (212°F)

2. Q: What is the largest planet in our solar system?
A: Jupiter

3. Q: What is the process by which plants make their own food?
A: Photosynthesis

4. Q: What is the scientific term for the "building blocks of life"?
A: Cells

5. Q: What is the largest living structure on Earth?
A: The Great Barrier Reef

6. Q: What is the scientific term for the study of the weather?
A: Meteorology

7. Q: What is the process by which water moves through a plant, from the roots to the leaves?
A: Transpiration

8. Q: What is the scientific term for the study of the Earth's physical structure, composition, and processes?
A: Geology

9. Q: What is the largest mammal on Earth?
A: Blue whale

10. Q: What is the scientific term for the study of the universe and celestial objects?
A: Astronomy

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