Islamyat 52 important MCQs

1. Real name of Abu Jhel
عمر بن حشام
2. When Jihad, Zakat and Roza became Mendatory.
2 ہجری
3. When Hajj became Mendatory.
9 ہجری
4. Who representated Quresh in Hudabiya Truse.
سہیل بن عمر۔
5. What is the other name of بیت رضوان۔
بیت شجر۔
6. Which book of Alama Iqbal has Shikwa and Jawab-i- Shikwa.
بانگ درا
7. Prpphet Muhammad got the garden of Fidak in?
مال غنیمت
8. The old name of Ethopia was?
9. The length of Ditch that was dug in Battle of Ditch was?
5۔3 میل
10. The name of Hazrat Imam Hussain Horse was?
11. When Hazrat Ali and Bibi Fatima get married?
2 ہجری
12. Which nation and Prophet is discussed in Detail in Holy Quran?
حضرت موسی اور بنی اسرائیل
13.who was sent to Samood Nation.
حضرت صالح
14. In Which Surah Hajj has been made mendatory.
سورہ العمران
15. In which Surah Wine is declared Haram?
سورہ المائدہ
16. The Ayats of first revelation are included in?
سورہ العلق
17. Who brought Prophet Home after the Demise of his mother when they were returing Makkah?
ام ایمن
18. When the Laws of Inheritence revealed?
19. Which mosque was demolished by Muslims on the behest of Prophet Muhammad?
مسجد ضرار
20. Battle of Yamama was fought between?
مسلمانوں اور مسلمہ کزاب
21. The battle of بعاث was fought between?
اوس اور خزرج
22. The 1st encounter between Muslim forces and Romans were?
جنگ یرومک
23. Where is مسجد نمرہ
عرافات میں
24. The Sermon of Hajj is delivered in?
عرافات میں
25. The days on which the rituals of Hajj are performed are?
8،9،10،11،12 ذی الحج
26. When Pilgrims gather and Sojourn in the ground of Arafat?
9 ذی الحج
27. Surah Baqra has how many ayats?
286 Ayats
28. The prayer for Rain is called?
نماز استسقئی
29. Aftar which Holy Battle wine was declared Haram?
غزوہ بنو نضیر
30. The Surah which has 100 ayats is called?
31. Who wrote خلافیت اور ملویکت
مولانا مودودی
32. What is the number of Articles in میثاق مدینہ
Ans. 52
33. Who testify the prophethood of Holy Prophet for the first time?
ورقہ بن نوفل

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