ALL Important Dawn Vocabulary List

 1. Declaratory (اعلانیہ) - Expressing or making a formal statement.

2. Aspirational (امیدیں وابستہ کرنے والا) - Having a strong desire to achieve something high or great.

3. Fiscal (مالیاتی) - Relating to government revenue, especially taxes.

4. Governance (حکمرانی) - The action or manner of governing.

5. Institutional (ادارہ جاتی) - Relating to an established organization.

6. Reform (اصلاحات) - Make changes in something to improve it.

7. Stability (استحکام) - The state of being stable.

8. Alignment (ہم آہنگی) - Arrangement in a straight line or in correct relative positions.

9. Sectoral (شعبہ جاتی) - Relating to a sector or sectors.

10. Climate-resilient (موسمیاتی مزاحمت) - Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult climate conditions.

11. Mainstreaming (مرکزی دھارے میں شامل کرنا) - Bringing something into the main flow or direction.

12. Mitigation(کمی) - The action of reducing the severity or seriousness of something.

13. Adaptation(مطابقت) - The process of adjusting to new conditions.

14. Provincial (صوبائی) - Relating to a province.

15. Implementation (عمل درآمد) - The process of putting a decision or plan into effect.

16. Obstacles (رکاوٹیں) - Things that block one's way or prevent progress.

17. Coordination (رابطہ) - The organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity.

18. Consistency (مطابقت) - The quality of always behaving or performing in a similar way.

19. Fragmented (بکھرا ہوا) - Broken into pieces or parts.

20. Oversight (نگرانی) - The action of overseeing something.

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