👉Pakistan joined UNO on 30 September 1947.👉Pakistan joined ILO in 1947. 👉Pakistan joined FAO in 7 September 1947. 👉Pakistan joined UNESCO in 1949. 👉Paki…
1. What is the fastest land animal? A) Lion B) Elephant C) Cheetah D) Giraffe Answer: C) Cheetah 2. Which bird is known for its distinctive call that so…
حضرت محمد ،،،،،،،،، بنو ہاشم حضرت ابوبکر صدیق ،،،،، بنو تیم حضرت عمر فاروق ،،،،، بنو عدی حضرت عثمان ،،،،،، بنو امیہ حضرت علی ،،،،،، بنو ہاشم حضرت زبیر بن …