Today clubbing (28-7-2024) 2nd time Paper PPSC

  • Athens is capital of Greece
  • Ashgabat is capital of Turkmenistan
  • Daughter of east written by benazir Bhutto
  • Be Nazir Bhutto 2nd term tenure 1993 to 1996
  • Demographic transition model presented by W. Thompson
  • When china join WTO 2001
  • ice float in water due to lower density
  • How much volume of water increase on freeing 9%
  • Which gas is accumulated in poorly ventilated buildings radon
  • The fragmentation of ottoman empire was under which treaty (treaty of serves)
  • Which country head first visit Pakistan after independence
  • Battle of trench was fought in which hijri 5 hijri
  • Hijri calendar shows hijrate Madina
  • Which country has declared Himalayan pink
  • salt as geographical indicator : Pakistan
  • How many days hazrat youns remain in fish 40
  • Wazzu and tayyamum mentioned in which surah (surah Maida)
  • Which prophet is called father of Muslims (hazrat Ibrahim)
  • When Narendra modi visit Pakistan and meet Nawaz sharif (25 December 2015)
  • How many wars fought between Pakistan and India: 3
  • Kalat was a state
  • Henry Kissinger was secretary of state : USA
  • USA player died in helicopter crash in which state in 2020 California
  • The hero of movie titanic
  • First movie which was made in space ( the challenge)
  • Antonym of quell
  • Antonym of aporobate
  • Antonym of surrestinious
  • She is ill with fever
  • If you scratch my back I will scratch your back means
  • F7 is shortcut key for
  • Shortcut key for toggle ribbon
  • آپ کاج مھا کاج کا مطلب کیا ہے

  • Punctuation کو اردو میں کیا کہتے ہے
  • Which sign is use for declarative sentence
  • Mahabharat is related to Hinduism
  • کافور ہو جانا گرائمر کی رو سے کیا ہے

  • وصل کا متضاد کیا ہے
  • Notre Dame is located in Paris
  • when international atomic energy agency is approved by UN
  • Green color in flag of Pakistan shows
  • Capacity of kalabagh dam
  • Residential imperial twin tower located in
  • Which is more elastic rubber steel
  • When 18 amendment passed by parliament
  • Which mountain range lies between Pakistan and China
  • Pakistan hockey team captain when first time participate in Olympics
  • Minto Morley reform date
  • Who opposed Pakistan for it's membership in UN
  • DNS stand for domain name system
  • Pisa Tower is also called leaning tower
  • Real name of Nawab MOHSIN_ul mulk
  • Plants produce CO2 at night
  • Social boycott of bannu Hashim in
  • چوپال کس کا مجموعہ ہے
  • اردو کی عہد زریں کس صدی کو کہتے ہیں

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