The key articles in the Constitution of Pakistan.

 Sure, let's go over the key articles in the Constitution of Pakistan. Here's a breakdown of some of the most important articles from various parts of the Constitution:

Part I: Introductory

• Article 1: The Republic and its territories.

• Article 2: Islam to be the state religion.

• Article 2A: The Objectives Resolution to form part of substantive provisions.

Part II: Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy

• Article 8: Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of fundamental rights to be void.

• Article 9: Security of person.

• Article 10: Safeguards as to arrest and detention.

• Article 10A: Right to a fair trial.

• Article 11: Slavery, forced labor, etc., prohibited.

• Article 12: Protection against retrospective punishment.

• Article 13: Protection against double punishment and self-incrimination.

• Article 14: Inviolability of dignity of man, etc.

• Article 15: Freedom of movement, etc.

• Article 16: Freedom of assembly.

• Article 17: Freedom of association.

• Article 18: Freedom of trade, business, or profession.

• Article 19: Freedom of speech, etc.

• Article 20: Freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions.

• Article 21: Safeguard against taxation for purposes of any particular religion.

• Article 22: Safeguards as to educational institutions in respect of religion, etc.

• Article 23: Provision as to property.

• Article 24: Protection of property rights.

• Article 25: Equality of citizens.

• Article 25A: Right to education.

• Article 26: Non-discrimination in respect of access to public places.

• Article 27: Safeguard against discrimination in services.

• Article 28: Preservation of language, script, and culture.

Part III: The Federation of Pakistan

• Article 41: The President.

• Article 48: President to act on advice, etc.

• Article 50: The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).

• Article 58: Dissolution of the National Assembly.

• Article 59: The Senate.

• Article 62: Qualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).

• Article 63: Disqualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).

• Article 70: Introduction and passing of Bills.

• Article 73: Procedure with respect to Money Bills.

• Article 89: Power of President to promulgate Ordinances.

• Article 91: The Cabinet.

• Article 92: Federal Ministers and Ministers of State.

• Article 93: Adviser to Prime Minister.

Part IV: Provinces

• Article 101: The Governor.

• Article 105: Governor to act on advice, etc.

• Article 106: Constitution of Provincial Assemblies.

• Article 112: Dissolution of Provincial Assembly.

Part V: Relations Between Federation and Provinces

• Article 141: Extent of Federal and Provincial laws.

• Article 142: Subject-matter of Federal and Provincial laws.

• Article 143: Inconsistency between Federal and Provincial laws.

Part VI: Finance, Property, Contracts, and Suits

• Article 160: National Finance Commission.

• Article 165: Exemption of certain property from taxation.

• Article 168: Auditor-General of Pakistan.

Part VII: The Judicature

• Article 175: Establishment and jurisdiction of courts.

• Article 184: Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

• Article 185: Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court.

• Article 199: Jurisdiction of High Court.

Part VIII: Elections

• Article 213: Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commission.

• Article 218: Election Commission of Pakistan.

Part IX: Islamic Provisions

• Article 227: Provisions relating to the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

Article 228: Council of Islamic Ideology.

Part X: Emergency Provisions

• Article 232: Proclamation of emergency on account of war, internal disturbance, etc.

• Article 234: Power to issue Proclamation in case of failure of constitutional machinery in a Province.

Part XI: Miscellaneous

• Article 238: Amendment of the Constitution.

• Article 239: Constitution Amendment Bill.

These articles provide a foundational understanding of the Constitution

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