Most Important English question Asked in Competitive Exams

Most Important questions 

The Synonyms of Disdain is_____________?

A. love
B. Scorn ✔️
C. Accept
D. Luddite

Synonym of WIELD _____________?

A. Abstain
B. Avoid
C. Forgo
D. Exert ✔️

Antonym of WEAN is _____________?

A. Attach ✔️
B. Detach
C. Discourage
D. Halt

Antonym of PRODIGAL is _____________?

A. Spendthrift
B. Squandering
C. Thrifty ✔️
D. Wanton

Choose the Word that is spelled Correctly?

A. Brigadier ✔️
B. Brigedier
C. Bregadeir
D. Bragedier

Choose the word that is spelled Correctly?

A. Secretary ✔️
B. Secertary
C. Secartary
D. None of these

You must adhere _______ your promise.

A. for
B. with
C. to ✔️
D. None of these

Anam is the smartest _______ girls?

A. among others
B. of all others
C. of all ✔️
D. of

My mother said to me, “Please go to the shop.”

(A) My mother told me to please go to the shop.
(B) My mother requested me to go to the shop. ✔️
(C) My mother requested me going to the shop.
(D) My mother asked me to be going to the shop.

He said, “I will return tomorrow.”

(A) He said that he will return tomorrow.
(B) He said that he would return tomorrow.
(C) He said that he would return the next day.  ✔️
(D) He said that I would return the next day.


A fraction which bears the same ratio to 1/27 as 3/11 bear to 5/9 is equal to

A. 1/55 ✔️
B. 55
C. 3/11
D. 1/11

The average of first 50 natural numbers is ?

A. 25.30
B. 25.5 ✔️
C. 25.00
D. 12.25

The number of 3-digit numbers divisible by 6, is?

A. 149
B. 166
C. 150 ✔️
D. 151

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