English vocabulary vocabulary


1. Byzantine
   - Synonyms: complex, intricate, convoluted
   - Antonyms: simple, straightforward, uncomplicated
   - Urdu meanings: بائیزینٹائنی، پیچیدہ، پریکشت

2. Callous
   - Synonyms: insensitive, hardened, unfeeling
   - Antonyms: sensitive, compassionate, tender
   - Urdu meanings: سنگدل، سنکھ، بے رحم

3. Candor
   - Synonyms: honesty, sincerity, frankness
   - Antonyms: deceit, dishonesty, insincerity
   - Urdu meanings: صراحت، کھرا پن، راستی

4. Capricious
   - Synonyms: whimsical, unpredictable, fickle
   - Antonyms: predictable, stable, consistent
   - Urdu meanings: انتہائی غیر مستقر، متغیر، ادھورا

5. Carouse
   - Synonyms: revel, celebrate, carousing
   - Antonyms: mourn, lament, sobriety
   - Urdu meanings: مسرت منانا، مستی کرنا، پیالے شراب اُٹھانا

6. Affluent
   - Synonyms: wealthy, prosperous, rich
   - Antonyms: impoverished, poor, needy
   - Urdu meanings: امیر، دولت مند، فراخ

7. Aggrandize
   - Synonyms: enhance, enlarge, exalt
   - Antonyms: belittle, degrade, diminish
   - Urdu meanings: بڑھانا، بڑھا دینا، عظیم کرنا

8. Agile
   - Synonyms: nimble, quick, flexible
   - Antonyms: clumsy, slow, rigid
   - Urdu meanings: پھرتیلا، تیز، چست

9. Agitate
   - Synonyms: disturb, stir, unsettle
   - Antonyms: calm, soothe, tranquilize
   - Urdu meanings: ہل چلانا، پریشان کرنا، بے چین کرنا

10. Alacrity
    - Synonyms: eagerness, readiness, promptness
    - Antonyms: reluctance, hesitation, procrastination
    - Urdu meanings: بھرپور خواہش، تیاری، سرعت

11. Alias
    - Synonyms: pseudonym, nickname, assumed name
    - Antonyms: real name, identity, legal name
    - Urdu meanings: دوسرا نام، مخفی نام، عرفی نام

12. Alienate
    - Synonyms: estrange, isolate, distance
    - Antonyms: reconcile, unite, connect
    - Urdu meanings: دور کرنا، بے گانگ، بے دوستی

13. Allege
    - Synonyms: claim, assert, contend
    - Antonyms: deny, refute, disprove
    - Urdu meanings: اعلیحق، کہنا، دعویٰ کرنا

14. Allude
    - Synonyms: refer, hint, suggest
    - Antonyms: specify, state, declare
    - Urdu meanings: اشارہ کرنا، اشارہ، حوالہ دینا

15. Aloof
    - Synonyms: distant, reserved, detached
    - Antonyms: friendly, sociable, approachable
    - Urdu meanings: دور، سرپرست، منفعل

16. Amass
    - Synonyms: accumulate, gather, collect
    - Antonyms: disperse, scatter, dissipate
    - Urdu meanings: جمع کرنا، انباش، اکٹھا کرنا

17. Amenable
    - Synonyms: compliant, obedient, responsive
    - Antonyms: stubborn, resistant, unyielding
    - Urdu meanings: حکم ماننے والا، قابلِ اطاعت، حلیم

18. Amiable
    - Synonyms: friendly, affable, pleasant
    - Antonyms: unfriendly, hostile, unpleasant
    - Urdu meanings: دوستانہ، خوش اخلاق، دلفریب

19. Amnesty
    - Synonyms: pardon, forgiveness, reprieve
    - Antonyms: punishment, penalty, retribution
    - Urdu meanings: عفو، معافی، مشفقت

20. Amplify
    - Synonyms: enlarge, expand, intensify
    - Antonyms: reduce, diminish, decrease
    - Urdu meanings: بڑھانا، وسیع کرنا، بڑھانا

21. Benign
    - Synonyms: gentle, kind, mild
    - Antonyms: malignant, harmful, hostile
    - Urdu meanings: نرم، خوش خلق، نیک

22. Bequeath
    - Synonyms: hand down, pass on, transmit
    - Antonyms: disinherit, withhold, retain
    - Urdu meanings: وصیت کرنا، ذرائع میں دینا، وراثت دینا

23. Berate
    - Synonyms: scold, criticize, reprimand
    - Antonyms: praise, commend, applaud
    - Urdu meanings: سرزنش کرنا، جھڑک دینا، ڈانٹنا

24. Bereft
    - Synonyms: deprived, lacking, devoid
    - Antonyms: endowed, provided, possessed
    - Urdu meanings: محروم، بے چین، بے ہوش

25. Beseech
    - Synonyms: implore, beg, plead
    - Antonyms: demand, command, order
    - Urdu meanings: التجا کرنا، متاثر کرنا، متاثر کرنا

26. Beset
    - Synonyms: besiege, harass, trouble
    - Antonyms: aid, assist, support
    - Urdu meanings: گھیرنا، کشیدہ، حاصل کرنا

27. Blight
   - Synonyms: destroy, ruin, devastate
   - Antonyms: flourish, thrive, prosper
   - Urdu meanings: تباہ کرنا، برباد کرنا، نقصان پہنچانا

28. Blithe
   - Synonyms: cheerful, carefree, happy-go-lucky
   - Antonyms: gloomy, melancholy, somber
   - Urdu meanings: خوش، خوش مزاج، خوش طبعی

29. Bombastic
   - Synonyms: pompous, grandiloquent, pretentious
   - Antonyms: simple, plain, modest
   - Urdu meanings: شیخی، بھڑکیلا، فضول

30. Boon
   - Synonyms: blessing, benefit, advantage
   - Antonyms: curse, disadvantage, detriment
   - Urdu meanings: نعمت، خیر، فائدہ

31. Brusque
   - Synonyms: abrupt, curt, blunt
   - Antonyms: polite, courteous, diplomatic
   - Urdu meanings: سرسرا، خودر، کڑوا

32. Bygone
   - Synonyms: past, former, previous
   - Antonyms: current, present, future
   - Urdu meanings: گزرا ہوا، سابق، پرانا


1. The intricate beauty of the Byzantine architecture left visitors marveling at its grandeur.
2. Despite his apparent indifference, he showed a tender side when comforting his friend in need.
3. Her candor and honesty in expressing her feelings endeared her to everyone she met.
4. The capricious weather made planning outdoor activities a challenge.
5. After a successful project completion, the team decided to carouse and celebrate at a nearby restaurant.
6. The affluent neighborhood was adorned with elegant mansions and lush gardens.
7. He often used flowery language to aggrandize his achievements and impress his audience.
8. The agile dancer gracefully moved across the stage, captivating the audience with each movement.
9. Despite attempts to agitate the crowd, the protest remained peaceful and orderly.
10. With alacrity, she volunteered to organize the charity event, eager to make a difference in her community.
11. The author chose to publish under an alias to maintain anonymity and separate his personal life from his work.
12. His abrasive attitude only served to alienate him from his colleagues, who found him difficult to work with.
13. Despite allegations of wrongdoing, he vehemently denied any involvement in the scandal.
14. During the speech, he subtly alluded to his humble beginnings, inspiring others with his success story.
15. Despite his aloof demeanor, he secretly longed for companionship and genuine connections.
16. Over the years, he managed to amass a vast collection of rare books and artifacts.
17. The team was amenable to suggestions and open to new ideas for improving their project.
18. Despite their differences, they maintained an amiable relationship, always ready to lend a helping hand.
19. The government granted amnesty to political prisoners, offering them a chance to start anew.
20. Using a megaphone, he amplified his voice to address the large crowd gathered in the square.
21. Her benign smile and gentle demeanor made her a beloved figure in the community.
22. In his will, he decided to bequeath his family heirlooms to his grandchildren.
23. Despite his tendency to berate his employees, he always had their best interests at heart.
24. Left bereft after the loss of her beloved pet, she found solace in cherished memories.
25. She beseeched her parents to allow her to pursue her dreams of studying abroad.
26. The project was beset by numerous challenges, but the team persevered and overcame them all.
27. A sudden blight destroyed the crops, leaving farmers devastated and facing financial ruin.
28. Despite the challenges he faced, he remained blithe and optimistic, always seeing the silver lining.
29. His bombastic speech failed to impress the audience, who craved substance over style.
30. Access to clean water is considered a boon for communities struggling with scarcity.
31. Despite his brusque manner, he was always there for his friends when they needed him.
32. The museum's collection offered a glimpse into bygone eras, transporting visitors to another time.

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