VOCABULARY For All Competitive Exams

 Most Important vocabulary 

1. Bolster
   - Synonyms: support, reinforce
   - Antonyms: undermine, weaken
   - Urdu meaning: سہارا دینا
2. Belie
   - Synonyms: contradict, negate
   - Antonyms: confirm, validate
   - Urdu meaning: جھوٹ بولنا
3. Bequeath
   - Synonyms: hand down, pass on
   - Antonyms: withhold, retain
   - Urdu meaning: وصیت کرنا
4. Berate
   - Synonyms: scold, criticize
   - Antonyms: praise, commend
   - Urdu meaning: ملامت کرنا
5. Brevity
   - Synonyms: conciseness, succinctness
   - Antonyms: verbosity, long-windedness
   - Urdu meaning: مختصری
6. Banal
   - Synonyms: trite, commonplace
   - Antonyms: original, innovative
   - Urdu meaning: عام
7. Beguile
   - Synonyms: charm, deceive
   - Antonyms: repel, discourage
   - Urdu meaning: بہکانا
8. Blatant
   - Synonyms: obvious, conspicuous
   - Antonyms: subtle, inconspicuous
   - Urdu meaning: کھلم کھلا
9. Belligerent
   - Synonyms: hostile, aggressive
   - Antonyms: peaceful, conciliatory
   - Urdu meaning: جنگجوئی
10. Blandishment
    - Synonyms: flattery, cajolery
    - Antonyms: criticism, disapproval
    - Urdu meaning: چکنائی
11. Belittle
    - Synonyms: demean, disparage
    - Antonyms: praise, commend
    - Urdu meaning: حقیر کرنا
12. Buttress
    - Synonyms: support, reinforce
    - Antonyms: weaken, undermine
    - Urdu meaning: سہارا دینا
13. Abate
    - Synonyms: decrease, diminish
    - Antonyms: increase, intensify
    - Urdu meaning: کم کرنا
14. Abhor
    - Synonyms: detest, loathe
    - Antonyms: love, admire
    - Urdu meaning: نفرت کرنا
15. Abjure
    - Synonyms: renounce, forsake
    - Antonyms: embrace, accept
    - Urdu meaning: توبہ کرنا
16. Abscond
    - Synonyms: flee, escape
    - Antonyms: stay, remain
    - Urdu meaning: بھاگنا
17. Abstemious
    - Synonyms: moderate, temperate
    - Antonyms: indulgent, excessive
    - Urdu meaning: معتدل
18. Adulation
    - Synonyms: flattery, admiration
    - Antonyms: criticism, disapproval
    - Urdu meaning: خوشامد
19. Adversity
    - Synonyms: hardship, misfortune
    - Antonyms: prosperity, success
    - Urdu meaning: مصیبت
20. Alacrity
    - Synonyms: eagerness, willingness
    - Antonyms: reluctance, unwillingness
    - Urdu meaning: بھرپور حوصلہ
21. Alleviate
    - Synonyms: relieve, ease
    - Antonyms: aggravate, worsen
    - Urdu meaning: آرام پہنچانا
22. Amenable
    - Synonyms: compliant, receptive
    - Antonyms: resistant, stubborn
    - Urdu meaning: تعاون کرنے والا
23. Amorphous
    - Synonyms: shapeless, formless
    - Antonyms: structured, organized
    - Urdu meaning: غیر معینہ
24. Anachronistic
    - Synonyms: outdated, antiquated
    - Antonyms: modern, current
    - Urdu meaning: بے وقت
25. Analogous
    - Synonyms: similar, comparable
    - Antonyms: different, dissimilar
    - Urdu meaning: مشابہ
26. Anomaly
    - Synonyms: abnormality, deviation
    - Antonyms: norm, regularity
    - Urdu meaning: غیر معمولیت
27. Antipathy
    - Synonyms: aversion, dislike
    - Antonyms: attraction, affection
    - Urdu meaning: نفرت


1. The additional funds will bolster our efforts to expand the community center.
2. His actions belie his words of loyalty; he's actually planning to leave.
3. She decided to bequeath her antique jewelry collection to her granddaughter.
4. The coach continued to berate the players despite their efforts to improve.
5. The brevity of the meeting surprised everyone; it was over in just ten minutes.
6. The banal dialogue in the movie made it predictable and uninteresting.
7. His charming personality could beguile anyone into trusting him.
8. The politician's blatant disregard for the truth was evident in his speech.
9. The belligerent attitude of the opposing team led to several confrontations on the field.
10. She used blandishments to convince her boss to give her a raise.
11. The storm's intensity began to abate as the night progressed.
12. She abhors the idea of hunting for sport and prefers to admire animals in their natural habitat.
13. After years of addiction, he finally decided to abjure drugs and start a new life.
14. The thief decided to abscond with the valuable paintings from the museum.
15. Despite her love for sweets, she maintains an abstemious diet to stay healthy.
16. His adulation of the celebrity bordered on obsession.
17. Despite facing adversity, she remained resilient and determined to succeed.
18. The team showed alacrity in responding to the emergency situation.
19. The medication helped to alleviate her chronic pain.
20. The student was amenable to trying new study strategies to improve his grades.
21. The artist created an amorphous sculpture that challenged traditional notions of form.
22. The historian criticized the film for its anachronistic portrayal of ancient Rome.
23. The two situations are not analogous; they have significant differences.
24. The sudden increase in temperature was an anomaly for this time of year.
25. There was a strong antipathy between the rival factions, making cooperation impossible.

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