Muslim political philosophers with brief details for Lecturer and CSS MCQs


Muslim Political Philosophers 

1. Al-Farabi (872-950 CE, Farab, Kazakhstan - Damascus, Syria):

Known as the "father of Islamic philosophy", wrote on political philosophy and the ideal state.

2. Al-Mawardi (974-1058 CE, Basra, Iraq - Baghdad, Iraq):
Developed the concept of the "Caliphate" and wrote on political ethics and governance.

3. Ibn Taymiyah (1263-1328 CE, Harran, Turkey - Damascus, Syria):
Wrote on political philosophy, emphasizing the importance of Shariah and the role of the Caliphate.

4. Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406 CE, Tunis, Tunisia - Cairo, Egypt):
Developed the concept of "Asabiyya" (group solidarity) and wrote on political sociology and history.

5. Shah Waliullah Dehlawi (1703-1762 CE, Delhi, India - Delhi, India):
Wrote on political philosophy, emphasizing reform and the role of the Ulama.

6. Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905 CE, Alexandria, Egypt - Alexandria, Egypt): Advocated for political reform and the importance of reason in understanding Islam.

7. Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938 CE, Sialkot, Pakistan - Lahore, Pakistan):
Developed the concept of the "Muslim State" and emphasized individual freedom and democracy.

8. Ali Shariati (1933-1977 CE, Mazinan, Iran - Southampton, UK):
Advocated for political revolution and social justice in Islamic thought.

9. Abul A'la Maududi (1903-1979 CE, Aurangabad, India - Lahore, Pakistan): Developed the concept of the "Islamic State" and emphasized the importance of Shariah in politics.

10. Hassan al-Turabi (1932-2016 CE, Kassala, Sudan - Khartoum, Sudan):
Advocated for political Islam and the importance of Shariah in governance.

11. Ibn Rushd (1126-1198 CE, Cordoba, Spain - Marrakech, Morocco):
Wrote on political philosophy, emphasizing the importance of reason and intellectual freedom.

12. Ibn Arabi (1165-1240 CE, Murcia, Spain - Damascus, Syria): Developed the concept of "Wahdat al-Wujud" (Unity of Existence) and wrote on spirituality and politics.

13. Al-Ghazali (1058-1111 CE, Tus, Iran - Tus, Iran): Wrote on political philosophy, emphasizing the importance of ethics and moral leadership.

14. Al-Kindi (801-873 CE, Kufa, Iraq - Baghdad, Iraq):
Known as the "father of Islamic philosophy", wrote on political philosophy and the ideal state.

15. Al-Amiri (913-992 CE, Nishapur, Iran - Nishapur, Iran):
Developed the concept of "Islamic philosophy" and wrote on political ethics.

16. Al-Razi (865-925 CE, Rey, Iran - Baghdad, Iraq):
Wrote on political philosophy, emphasizing the importance of reason and intellectual freedom.

17. Ibn Sina (980-1037 CE, Afshana, Uzbekistan - Isfahan, Iran):
Developed the concept of the "Virtuous City" and wrote on political philosophy.

18. Ibn Hazm (994-1064 CE, Cordoba, Spain - Cordoba, Spain):

Wrote on political philosophy, emphasizing the importance of Shariah and the role of the Caliphate.

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