All about South America:

Important Information about South America 

1. Brazil is the largest country in South America.

2. Major Rivers: Amazon River, Rio Sao Francisco, Madeira River, Magdalena River, Negro River, River Paraguay, Rio Tocantins, Ucayali River, Xingu River, Orinoco River, and Parana River.

3. Amazon is the most voluminous and the second longest river of the world. It originates in the Andes and after passing through Brazil, drain into the Atlantic Ocean.

4. Anaconda, a variety of python found in the Amazon basin, is 10_12m long.

5. Major Lakes: Lake Titicaca, Qunu_qqucha, Brokopondo Reservoir, Guri (man-made), Lake Maracaibo, and Lake Valencia.

6. The highest navigable lake i.e. Lake Titicaca (on the border of Bolivia and Peru) is situated on the Bolivian plateau.

7. Major Waterfalls: Iguazu Falls (Argentina), Guaira Falls (Brazil & Paraguay), Smoke Falls(Brazil), Waterfall Park (Brazil), Huilo-Huilo Falls (Chile), Laja Falls (Chile), Petrohue Falls (Chile), Tequendamita Falls (Colombia), Kaieeur Falls (Guyana), King Edward VIII Falls (Guyana), Monday Falls (Paraguay), Gocta Falls (Peru), Three Sisters Falls (Peru), Yumbilla Falls (Peru), Angel Falls (Venezuela), Cuque_nnan Falls (Venezuela), Llovizna Falls (Venezuela), and Yutaje Falls (Venezuela).

8. The Angels Fall is the highest waterfall in the world is situated on the plateau of Guyana.

9. Climate: There are seven types of climate are found in this continent- Equatorial Climate, Savana type of climate, Prairie Climate, Tropical Climate, Desert Climate, Mediterranean Climate, and Temperate Maritime Climate.

10. Unique Animals: Candor (largest bird of prey); Rhea (Flightless bird that can run very fast); Anaconda (group of large snakes of the genus Eunectes), Armadillo; Ant-eater; Puma (Ferocious animal of lion family); and Llama (animal from camel family).

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