A bunch of phrasal verbs: English Grammar Mcqs

Most Repeated English MCQs in All Papers 

1. Call off = cancel

2. Turn down = reject

3. Bring up = mention

4. Come up= arise/ produce

5. Hand over = relinquish / give a chance

6. Take over= take control /responsibility

7. Take up= require

8. Get on= continue / have a good relationship

9. Talk over = discuss / interrupt

10. Use up = exhaust / use completely

11. Look forward to = await

12. Go on = continue

13. Catch up = discuss latest news

14. Fill in = complete

15. Hand in = submit

16. Look up= find/search

17. Look into = check/ investigate

18. Figure out = understand / solve

19. Go over = review

20. Show up = arrive

21. Ring up= call

22. Go back = return to a place

23. Pick out= choose

24. chip in = help

25. Break in on = interrupt

26. Come apart = separate

27. Go ahead = start / proceed

28. Cut in = interrupt

29. Own up= confess

30. Figure out = discover

31. Get back = return

32. Get away = escape

33. Work out= exercise

34. Hang in = stay positive

35. Put down = insult

36. Pass out = faint

37. Leave out = omit/ skip

38. Show off = boast / brag

39. Peter out = finish / come to an end gradually

40. Lay off= dismiss

41. Take on = employ( someone)

42. Cross out = delete / cancel / erase

43. Sort out = solve

44. Make out = understand / hear

45. Abide by = follow ( a rule / decision / instruction)

46. Pile up = accumulate

47. Pig put = eat a lot

48. Pick up = collect

49. mix up = confuse

50. Make of = understand / have an opinion

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