The most important multiple-choice questions about Pakistan's boundaries

 Most Important mcqs about Pakistan boundary with India, China, Afghanistan and Iran


Afghanistan-Pakistan Border:

- Length of the border: 1,640 miles
- Also known as: Durand Line
- Runs from: Hindu Kush and the Pamir Mountains

China-Pakistan Border:
- Length of the border: 347 miles
- Runs from: The eastern tip of the Wakhan Corridor
- Ends near: Karakoram Pass

India-Pakistan Border:
- Length of the border: 2,063 miles
- Runs from: Karakoram Pass west-southwest to a point about 130 kilometers northwest of Lahore
- Line of Control (LoC) is also known as: The Line of Actual Control

Iran-Pakistan Border:
- Length of the border: 595 miles
- Was first delimited by: A British commission in the same year as the Durand Line was demarcated
- Runs along: Sistan va Baluchistan province of Iran and Baluchistan province of Pakistan

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