150 Roles of Grammar

Rule No.1

With Sensory verbs such as
1. See, witness, watch,look, glance, behold
2. Smell, sniff
3. Listen,hear, sound
4. Taste, relish
5. Touch,feel
We use Adjective instead of adverb
The flower smells sweetly.(incorrect)
The flower smells sweet. (Correct)

150 Rules of Grammar
150 Rules of Grammar 

Rule No.2 

Following Adjectives have neither Comparative Degree nor Superlative Degree
Round, circular, fundamental, unique, entire, complete, basic, essential, final, main, major, empty, vital, possible, square, ideal, pure, extreme, chief, absolute, eternal, fatal & universal.
1) This table is more round than that. (Incorrect)
This table is round. (Correct)

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